
domenica 7 aprile 2013

Moussa Ibrahim, 20 ottobre 2012:”Sono vivo, io e Kamis non siamo a Bani Walid”

Moussa Ibrahim, October 20, 2012: “I am alive, me and Kamis not in Bani Walid” – Moussa Ibrahim, 20 ottobre 2012:”Sono vivo, io e Kamis non siamo a Bani Walid” ~ (Eng-Ita +Video/Audio)


~  Moussa Ibrahim, October 20, 2012
~  Moussa Ibrahim, 20 Ottobre 2012


Moussa Ibrahim, 20 ottobre 2012:
“Sono vivo, io e Kamis non siamo a Bani Walid.

“La pace di Dio sia con gli uomini liberi della Libia libera, anche nel nome del grande colonnello Muammar Gaddafi.
Sono il dott. Moussa Ibrahim e vi parlo dopo 1 anno dalla caduta del legittimo governo libero libico, a causa dei i bombardamenti da parte della NATO e dei suoi criminali alleati.
Un caro saluto a tutti coloro che hanno mantenuto la fede nonostante le avversità e la tragedia diffusa ovunque nella nostra Patria Libia.
Noi abbiamo il compito patriottico e morale di riconquistare la Libia dai nemici che l’hanno distrutta e trucidata, causando tanti rifugiati, rubando  tutto quello che potevano, commettendo atti criminali terribili e infami tradimenti: tutte cose che prima non esistevano e succedevano.
Vi dico subito che per quello che riguarda la notizia del mio arresto a Bani Walid, notizia diffusa in diverse dichiarazioni TV da Al Arabia, BBC e altri media, è solo un tentativo nato morto di distrarre l’attenzione dai crimini che stanno commettendo i traditori e servi della NATO contro le nostre famiglie a Bani Walid.
Noi sappiamo che a Bani Walid tante famiglie, tanti bambini, donne e uomini vengono uccisi senza motivo, sgozzati senza nessuna colpa, con le loro teste, mani, piedi, tagliate via dai loro corpi innocenti e puri, le loro case attaccate dai criminali terroristi di Al Qaeda insieme con le bande di Misurata.
É in corso uno sporco piano per fare credere al popolo libico, alla gente che si stava muovendo verso Bani Walid, che chi combatte a  Bani Walid lo fa solo in nome e per conto di alcuni personaggi, e non per la libertá della Libia: perché non vogliono far sapere e credere che sia in corso una rivoluzione in Libia, ed a questo propositio hanno nominato sia me che Kamis Gaddafi, dicendo che eravamo stati catturati o ammazzati in Bani Walid, mentre noi non siamo neppure a Bani Walid e nemmeno in Libia. Io stesso non ho alcun contatto con la Libia e con Bani Walid.
Quello che sta succedendo a Bani Walid é solo odio settario e voglia jihadista di seminare discordia, é un odio storico e un piano per soggiogare la Libia.
Però loro non sanno che le tribù di Bani Walid sono formate da eroi e che hanno un notevole peso demografico e grandi alleanze all’interno della Libia.
I nostri nemici sono preoccupati di perdere l’eredità ricevuta dalla Nato, le armi, i  soldi e il potere, se vengono affrontati dalle tribù alleate di patrioti.
Quella che sta accadendo è una guerra civile, esattamente come aveva predetto il colonnello Gaddafi. Anche Saif al Islam aveva predetto ciò e la Libia infatti sta per essere trascinata verso l’autodistruzione, per molti anni a venire, e ovviamente i canali mediatici si stanno attivando per diffondere menzogne, dicendo che siamo stati arrestati, ammazzati, ecc., ecc., e questa mia dichiarazione di oggi, 20 ottobre 2012, è la prova delle loro bugie.
Per quanto riguarda i nostri fratelli in Bani Wali, auguriano che Dio li renda vittoriosi.
Io non sono in un luogo che mi possa permettere di chiamare altre tribù a sostenere Bani Wali, ma si vergognino quei libici che stanno a guardare un paese intero mentre viene bombardato con missili  e armi chimiche che uccidono i suoi bambini e le sue donne: vergognatevi!!!
In tutto ció la politica non c’entra. Voi dovreste sentire, dall’interno di voi stessi, questa volontà di reagire con onore e patriottismo.
Perchè adesso, chi sta uccidendo la gente di Bani Walid, non ha alcun senso patriottico, né morale o religioso.
Essi dicono e diffondono notizie che sono l’esatto contrario di quello che sta succedendo. Ci accusano di assassinare i prigionieri, di essere servi dell’imperialismo, di bombardare, mentre invece é proprio l’opposto e sono loro che commettono orrendi assassini, rubano e stuprano, bombardano la popolazione civile e sono servi della NATO e delle potenze occidentali.
La Nazione vive nel buio, é stata violata e divisa in due: Al Qaeda e le potenze occidentali da un lato, i patrioti libici dall’altro.
Il grande Muammar Gaddafi era invece il protettore della Libia.
C’erano alcuni problemi, certo, ma si sarebbero potuti risolvere pacificamente. Questi traditori rinnegati invece hanno svenduto tutta la Nazione pur di conquistare il potere.
Uomini e donne della Libia, vi prego, Bani Walid non ha nessun interesse politico : aiutatela a fermare questo massacro.
La storia dirà che Bani Walid e’ stata massacrata e infamata dai criminali di Misrata e Bengazi, in nome di una falsa rivoluzione, mentre l’Occidente stava a guardare.
Ringrazio tutti quei fratelli che mi hanno contattato per sapere se stavo bene: ma io non sono più importante di quegli uomini che stanno per essere martirizzati oggi, sabato 20 ottobre 2012, e non valgo di più di quei patrioti che sono stati torturati e uccisi nelle prigioni.
Sono solo un cittadino libico che ha fatto il proprio dovere e che continuerá a farlo. E Moammar Gaddafi é e resterá il mio leader e capo della mia Patria, la Libia. La Libia, il suo sviluppo e la sua libertà, sono i miei scopi e la NATO è il mio nemico, non i libici.
Grazie a voi tutti per avermi ascoltato e vi invito ad essere uniti nel nome di Dio per il bene della Patria, che è stata rubata dalle nostre mani perchè alcuni rinnegati hanno trovato nel tradimento la propria posizione politica.
Vi saluto tutti nel nome di Dio.
Moussa Ibrahim”
Moussa Ibrahim, October 20, 2012:
“I am alive, me and Kamis not in Bani Walid”
“The peace of God be with the free men of free Libya, even in the name of the great Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.
I’m Dr.. Moussa Ibrahim, speaking to you after one year since the fall of the legitimate government of free Libya, because of the bombing by NATO and its criminal allies.
Best wishes to all those who have kept the faith despite adversity and tragedy spread everywhere in our country.
We have the moral and patriotic duty to reconquer Libya from enemies who have slaughtered and destroyed, causing many refugees, stealing everything they could, committing criminal terrible acts and shameful betrayals, all of which did not exist and succeeded before.
I tell you now that for what concerns the news of my arrest in Bani Walid, news spread in different statements by Al Arabia TV, BBC and other media, is only a stillborn attempt to divert attention from the crimes who are committing the traitors and servants of the NATO against our families in Bani Walid.
We know that many families in Bani Walid, many children, women and men are killed for no reason, slaughtered without any fault with their heads, hands, feet, cut off from their innocents and pure bodies, their houses attacked by terrorist criminals of Al Qaeda along with the gangs of Misrata.
It is in progress a dirty plan to make believe the Libyan people, the people that was moving towards Bani Walid, that those who fight in Bani Walid does so only in the name and on behalf of some people, and not for the freedom of Libya, because someone do not want to know and believe that a revolution is taking place in Libya, and in this respect have appointed both, me and Kamis Gaddafi, saying that we had been captured or killed in Bani Walid, while we are not even in Bani Walid and even in Libya. I myself do not have any contact with Libya and Bani Walid.
What is happening in Bani Walid is just sectarian hatred and jihadist desire to sow discord; it is an historic hatred and a plan to subdue Libya.
But they do not know that the tribes of Bani Walid are made up of heroes which have a significant demographic and major alliances inside Libya.
Our enemies are worried about losing their inheritance by NATO, weapons, money and power, if they get faced by the patriots allied tribes.
What is happening is a civil war, just as had predicted Colonel Gaddafi. Even Saif al-Islam had predicted what in fact is going to be driven to self-destruction, for many years to come, and of course the media channels are working to spread lies, saying that we were arrested, killed, etc.., etc. .and this my statement of today, October 20, 2012, is the proof of their lies.
With regard to our brothers in Bani Wali, I hope that God will make them victorious.
I am not in a place that would allow me to call other tribes to support Bani Wali, but ashamed are those Libyans who are watching an entire town while is bombarded with missiles and chemical weapons that kill his children and his wives: Shame on you!!!
Politic has nothing to do. You should hear from within yourself, this desire to react with honor and patriotism.
Because now, who is killing the people of Bani Walid, has no sense of patriotism or moral or religious.
They say and spread news that are the exact opposite of what’s going on. We are accused of murdering the prisoners, to be servants of imperialism, to bomb, but instead is just the opposite and it is they who commit horrendous murder, steal and rape, bombing the civilian population and are the servants of NATO and Western powers.
The nation lives in the dark, has been violated and divided into two: Al Qaeda and the Western powers on one hand, the Libyan Patriots on the other.
The big Muammar Gaddafi was instead the protector of Libya.
There were some problems, sure, but could have been a peaceful solution. These traitors renegades instead have sold the whole nation just to gain power.
Men and women of Libya, please, Bani Walid has no political interest: help her to stop this massacre.
The history will say that Bani Walid has been slaughtered and sullied by the criminals of Misrata and Benghazi, in the name of a false revolution, while the West looked on.
I thank all those brothers who have contacted me to see if I was okay, but I’m not more important of those men who are going to be martyred today, Saturday, October 20, 2012, and I am not worth more of those patriots who have been tortured and killed in the prisons.
I’m just a Libyan citizen who has done his duty, and will continue to do so. And Moammar Gaddafi is and will remain my leader and leader of my country, Libya.
Libya, its development and its freedom, are my goals and NATO is my enemy, not the Libyans.
Thank you all for listening to me and I invite you to be united in the name of God for the good of the country, which was stolen from our hands because some renegades have found the betrayal as their political position.
I greet you all in the name of God.
“In the Name of God, the Great, and in the name of Fatah the great, salute to all of you, freedom fighters of Libya.
I am Dr. Moussa Ibrahim and I am talking to you today…after…watching the country under the criminals of NATO…
I am here to tell them that we still have power, we still strong with God’s help, and we trust our selfs that our duty is to bring safety to our country after all these killings, stealing that brought in our country the rats of NATO.
But today, after all these false news (about the arrest and killing of me and Kamis Gaddafi) that are spreading via BBC, Al Arabyia, i have to tell you that all these is just to take the world’s eye off what is really happening, and what are doing the NATO fighter to our families in Bani Walid.
Its obvious from photos and videos that people of Bani Walid, women, kids, men have been killed by aircraft attacks in their homes and by all these criminals from Misrata that are carrying guns.
And this is all happening cause they are threatening the people of Jamahyryia to not stand by people of Bani Walid and they “thought” to talk about Moussa Ibrahim and Khamis Al Qaddafi.
We are outside Libya, we have nothing to do with Bani Walid, we are not even to a place near Bani Walid.
They are hiting Bani Walid, they know that Bani Walid is a big tribe, Bani walid has geographical very important place and it’s tribe has a strong meaning for the country, so they are afraid for what is going to happen between the tribes of libya.
After all that what is happening now to Bani Walid has nothing to do with the regime this is clash between tribes, and after what happened to our leader Qaddafi and Seif Al islam , the channels of bbc, al arabyia, al Djajeera are spreading false news about Khamis Al Qaddafi and Moussa Ibrahim and other people, and this is the proof about these lies (because I am here talking to you now).
But our families are still in Bani Walid and with God’s help we will be back to them …
But shame on you.
Shame on you Libyans: this is not a matter about Moammar Al Qaddafi or not; shame on you all tribe; a libyan city is under attack and cut in pieces , and killing children, women and men and you are just watching.
You have to think that this is not about politic, you have to think this is about the dignity of Libyans.
These people which attacks this city have no dignity, no bellieves, they have no brothers, they have no feeling of their nationality.
They lied about us , they told that we killed, but they are the ones who killed people, they told we killed childre, infact they killed children , they told we were stealing, but they are the ones who still stealing, and they brought the country under a demon western leadreship.
Moammar Qaddafi was the man who cares about Libya, he was for the best of Libya , yes there were problems but these problems were resolving by conversation, but all these traitors sold everything.
Please Libyans, has nonthing to do with all this mass, stand by the city, help the city.
Because history will remain, history will write that Bani Walid has been cut in pieces, its people massacred and the western tribes were just watching.
I have to tell many thanks the thousands of people who contacted me on FB , via Paltalk, Twitter and by telephone. But my life does not worth more than other men from the regime who were martyred and still tortured today, on 20 October 2011, the people who remains in jails.
I still have Moammar al Qaddafi as my leader,
Libya still my country
and NATO is my enemy.
Thank you very much and I hope that we will meet soon on our land, that have been betrayed.
Thank you and let the God guide you!
Thanks to help to stop the war in Libya.
This is what we demand now”.
Italian & English translation by WA / FFP  at

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